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International Business, Trust & Asset Management Consultants: Expert Offshore Investment, International Business, Trusts & Asset Management Consultant

About Asset Management Consultants

JDPS Asset Management are regarded as leaders in the provision of totally independent investment services to Investors who are Resident in their Home Countries as well as International Investors. We have more than 10 years of Industry Experience in serving the varied needs of Our Clients. JDPS Asset Management specialises in dealing with both Individual & Corporate clients in most Major Countries Worldwide. We currently provide Our Services to Clients in more than 60 Countries. Our Principal Regions of Activity are North and South America, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, South East Asia, the Caribbean, India, Russia, Middle East, Europe, and Scandinavia


Our Objectives are to Protect, Preserve and Ensure the Growth of our Client Capital and Investments over Medium and long-term periods. We use whenever possible Tax Efficient Structures to Enhance & Protect The Investment Growth achieved by the Expertise of Our Asset Managers.


Our Objective for Each Client is to assist them in becoming totally Financially Independent and secure. Financial Independence is the goal for our clients. Each client is an individual and has their own needs, goals and concerns. However most people who use our services have acquired Capital and want improved returns and Regular Income from their Investments Other clients have a savings capacity and want to ensure that these savings are wisely invested for Future Use or for the Benefit of Children & Grandchildren.


Our Experience in assisting Clients and Prospective Clients is Extensive means that we have encountered countless different situations and we have the Experience and a Range of Products which allow us to make positive and beneficial changes for clients. However we have heard many concerns and reasons for not taking intelligent positive action.